How to write to a Writable Stream using the pipe() method in Node.js?

September 16, 2020 - 2 min read

To write to a WritableStream, we can use the write() method available in the WritableStream object as the data comes in from the ReadableStream as we discussed in the last blog post.

This is so common that the Node.js provides a simple way of doing this using the pipe() method in the ReadableStream object.

Let's look at it now.

Suppose we have a Read stream where we want to read some data from and a write stream to write the read data like this,

// require the filesystem module
const fs = require("fs");

// create a read stream to read data
// from hello.txt file
const rs = fs.createReadStream("./hello.txt");

// create a write stream to write the
// read data to toWrite.txt file
const ws = fs.createWriteStream("./toWrite.txt");

Now instead of listening on the data event and then using the write() method to write the data, we can use the pipe() method in ReadableStream object rs like this,

// require the filesystem module
const fs = require("fs");

// create a read stream to read data
// from hello.txt file
const rs = fs.createReadStream("./hello.txt");

// create a write stream to write the
// read data to toWrite.txt file
const ws = fs.createWriteStream("./toWrite.txt");

// write to the ws WritableStream
// using the pipe() method
  • The pipe() method is only available in a ReadableStream and not in WritableStream.
  • The method accepts a valid WritableStream object as its parameter.

Now, You can see that the data of the hello.txt file is written to the toWrite.txt file.

See this snippet live in

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