How to Make a Promise in JavaScript?

June 27, 2020 - 4 min read

What is a Promise?

Promises in JavaScript is a way of working with asynchronous processes. Promises don't block other processes and run in the JavaScript's Event loop.

Create a new Promise

To create a Promise you have to create a Promise object.

// Create a new promise
const promise = new Promise();

You need to pass a function with 2 parameters to resolve the task and to reject the task to the constructor function.

Now, Let's create the function to run.

// Create a function to run.
// Let's simulate getting a result
// after 3 seconds using the setTimeout function

const giveResultAfterThreeSeconds = (resolve, reject) => {
  // You can also do a fetch request
  // from a server to get some data.

  setTimeout(() => {
    resolve("We got the data :) ");
  }, 3000);

A lot is going on these lines 🤯 Let's understand each step by step. 🧙‍♀️

Here we have a function called giveResultAfterThreeSeconds with 2 parameters called resolve and reject. Both these parameters are references to function which can be invoked while running the task.

The resolve function is invoked when we got the desired result and the reject function is invoked whenever there is an error while running the task.

In the body of the function, we have a setTimeout function to simulate waiting for 3 seconds.

After 3 seconds the resolve function is called with a value of We got the data :).

We would also be expecting some kind of error happening in the future while running our task, thus we need the reject function to invoke it with an error value.

Here we are not using the reject function since we don't have the possibility of setTimeout function failing.

The reject function can be used when getting some data from a server where we have the possibility of getting an error eg: Internal Server Error, Not Found, etc.

Now let's give this function to our promise.

// Create a function to run.
// Let's simulate getting a result
// after 3 seconds using the setTimeout function

const giveResultAfterThreeSeconds = (resolve, reject) => {
  // You can also do a fetch request
  // from a server to get some data.

  setTimeout(() => {
    resolve("We got the data :)");
  }, 3000);

// Create a new promise and pass the function
const promise = new Promise(giveResultAfterThreeSeconds);

So we defined our function and made a promise. But how do we use it?

To use it we can use the then, catch methods available in our promise object.

// Create a function to run.
// Let's simulate getting a result
// after 3 seconds using the setTimeout function

const giveResultAfterThreeSeconds = (resolve, reject) => {
  // You can also do a fetch request
  // from a server to get some data.

  setTimeout(() => {
    resolve("We got the data :)");
  }, 3000);

// Create a new promise and pass the function
const promise = new Promise(giveResultAfterThreeSeconds);

// then and catch
    (resolvedValue) => {
      console.log(resolvedValue); //  Result ==> We got the data :)
    (rejectedValue) => {
      console.log(rejectedValue); // will be invoked if there is a rejected value
  ) //
  .catch((rejectedValue) => console.log(errorValue)); // will be invoked if there is a rejected value
  • The then method is used to get a resolved value as well a rejected value, It accepts 2 callbacks The first callback function refers to the resolved value's callback function and the second refers to the rejected value's if there is one. The then method can also be chained.

  • The catch method is used to receive a rejected value. It accepts a callback function for rejected value and the function is supplied with a value from the reject function.

We will be discussing more about Promises in future Posts. Well, Its a start.

Feel free to share if you found this useful 😃.