How to load an SVG file from a remote url in HTML?

November 18, 2022 - 2 min read

To load an SVG file from a remote url, you can use the img HTML tag and then provide the SVG remote url as the value to the src attribute.


    <!-- Using `img` HTML tag to load SVG file from a remote url -->

For example, let's say we have an SVG hosted at this url.

We aim to load this SVG url and render this SVG on the webpage. To do that, we can use the img HTMl tag and then use the src attribute and set its value as the SVG remote url which is

It can be done like this,

    <!-- Using `img` HTML tag to load SVG file from a remote url -->

The webpage now looks like this,

Now to improve the webpage performance while loading the SVG file, we can define more attributes on the img tag like decoding="async", and loading="lazy". We can also set its width and height using the attributes width and height and set both of its values to 200.

The html now looks like this,

    <!-- Using `img` HTML tag to load SVG file from a remote url -->

The webpage is now more performant and also the SVG is resized to the width and height defined in the attributes.

The webpage now looks like this,

We have successfully loaded an SVG file from a remote url. Yay 🥳!

See the above code live in the codesandbox.

That's all 😃.