Introduction to Set in JavaScript

July 24, 2020 - 3 min read

Set is a way of storing unique values in JavaScript.

We can create a Set collection using the new Set() constructor function.

// new set
const set = new Set();

Okay. We know what a set is!

But what's the use of it? Let's discuss this.

Consider this array with a lot of names in which some of the names are repeated.

// array with repeated names
const namesArr = [

as you can see from the array many of the names are repeated, but we just want the names of people who are in the array and we don't care if they are repeated.

That's where we will use the Set collection.

we can pass the namesArr into our Set constructor function and it will contain only values once and not contain the duplicate or repeated values.

// array with repeated names
const namesArr = [

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

console.log(namesSet); // {"John", "Rose", "Jack", "Lily"}
  • To add more items to set we can use the add() method in the namesSet.
const namesArr = ["John", "Rose"];

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

// add Roy's name

// Roy's name added to set
console.log(namesSet); // {"John", "Rose", "Roy"}

If Roy's name is already in the set. It won't be added.

  • To delete a value from the set we can use the delete() method.
const namesArr = ["John", "Rose"];

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

// delete John's name

// John's name is deleted from set
console.log(namesSet); // {"Rose"}
  • We can check if the value is present in the set using the has() method. the method returns boolean true if present and false if not.
const namesArr = ["John", "Rose"];

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

// check if Rose is present
const isPresent = namesSet.has("Rose");

console.log(isPresent); // true
  • To clear all the values from the set we can use the clear() method.
const namesArr = ["John", "Rose"];

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

// clear all values

console.log(namesSet); // {}
  • To get the length or the size of the set we can use the size property available in the namesSet.
const namesArr = ["John", "Rose"];

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

console.log(namesSet.size); // 2
  • the type of the namesSet is object since the underlying type used to create a set is the object type.
const namesArr = ["John", "Rose"];

// set
const namesSet = new Set(namesArr);

console.log(typeof namesSet); // object

I have written a second part on the advanced usage of Set in JavaScript.

Feel free to share if you found this useful 😃.