How to insert HTML at different positions in an element using JavaScript?

October 11, 2020 - 3 min read

To insert HTML at different positions in an element, you can use the insertAdjacentHTML() DOM element method in JavaScript.

The insertAdjacentHTML() DOM element method accepts 2 arguments:

  • The position to insert the HTML as the first argument. You can insert the HTML at different positions and these positions are:

    • beforebegin: inserts the HTML before the beginning of the element
    • afterbegin: inserts the HTML after the beginning of the element, i.e as the first child of the element.
    • beforeend: inserts the HTML just before the element ends, i.e as the last child of the element
    • afterend: inserts the HTML after the element
  • The HTML to insert as the second argument.

Consider this HTML with a nav tag with 2 anchor tag inside it,


Let's look at the different positions we mentioned one by one.

beforebegin position

We can insert a h1 tag just before the nav tag using the insertAdjacentHTML() method and passing the postion beforebegin as the first argument and the HTML as the second argument like this,

// get reference to the nav tag
const nav = document.querySelector("nav");

// insert heading tag
// just before the nav tag
nav.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", "<h1>This is a Heading</h1>");

So now the HTML looks like this,

<!-- This is the new Heading tag -->
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>


afterbegin position

We insert an anchor tag just after the nav tag using the insertAdjacentHTML() method and passing the postion afterbegin as the first argument and the HTML as the second argument like this,

// get reference to the nav tag
const nav = document.querySelector("nav");

// insert anchor tag
// just after the nav tag
nav.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<a>Dashboard</a>");

So now the HTML looks like this,

<!-- This is the new Heading tag -->
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>

  <!-- This is the new Anchor tag as the first child -->


beforeend position

We insert an anchor tag just before the nav tag ends using the insertAdjacentHTML() method and passing the postion beforeend as the first argument and the HTML as the second argument like this,

// get reference to the nav tag
const nav = document.querySelector("nav");

// insert anchor tag
// just before the nav tag ends
nav.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<a>Logout</a>");

So now the HTML looks like this,

<!-- This is the new Heading tag -->
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>

  <!-- This is the new Anchor tag as the first child -->


  <!-- This is the new Anchor tag as the last child child -->

afterend position

We insert a paragraph tag just after the nav tag using the insertAdjacentHTML() method and passing the postion afterend as the first argument and the HTML as the second argument like this,

// get reference to the nav tag
const nav = document.querySelector("nav");

// insert paragraph tag
// after the nav tag
nav.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<p>This is a paragraph</p>");

So now the HTML looks like this,

<!-- This is the new Heading tag -->
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>

  <!-- This is the new Anchor tag as the first child -->


  <!-- This is the new Anchor tag as the last child child -->

<!-- This is the new Paragraph tag -->
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

I Have summarised all the above positions mentioned above in this JSBin.

Feel free to share if you found this useful 😃.