How to create an image element using JavaScript?

September 8, 2020 - 2 min read

Using the Image() constructor function

To create an image element using JavaScript, you can use the Image() constructor function available in the global window object.

// create an image element
const image = new Image();

The constructor function accepts 2 parameters:

  • The first parameter is the width of the image
  • The second parameter is the height of the image
// create an image element
const image = new Image(200, 200);

Now we need to specify a source for the image element, you can do that using the src property in the image object.

// create an image element
const image = new Image(200, 200);

// source for the image element
// source means the link to the image
image.src = "";

You can add attributes to the image element using the dot . followed by the name of the attribute.

For example, to add alt attribute, you can use the alt property in the image object like this,

// create an image element
const image = new Image(200, 200);

// source for the image element
// source means the link to the image
image.src = "";

// adding alt attribute
image.alt = "A simple placeholder image";

Using the document.createElement() function

You can alternatively create image elements using the document.createElement() method like this,

// create image element
const image = document.createElement("img");
  • The method needs a valid tag name as a string.

To add src and alt tag you need to use the dot . operator followed by attribute name like this,

// create image element
const image = document.createElement("img");

// add attributes src and alt
image.src = "";
image.alt = "A simple placeholder image";

See live example on both ways in JSBin

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