How to convert numbers to exponential form in JavaScript?

November 11, 2020 - 1 min read

To convert any number to exponential form, you can use the toExponential() Number method in JavaScript.

Consider this number,

// number
const num = 45678;

Let's convert this to exponential form using the toExponential() method like this,

// number
const num = 45678;

// convert to exponential form
const expNum = num.toExponential();

console.log(expNum); // "4.5678e+4"

The method also accepts an optional argument to specify the number of digits to show after the decimal point. Suppose if we want only 2 digits to show after the decimal point, we can pass that 2 as an argument to the method like this,

// number
const num = 45678;

// convert to exponential form
// pass 2 to show 2 digits after
// decimal point
const expNum = num.toExponential(2);

console.log(expNum); // "4.57e+4"

Now the output looks like this: 4.57e+4.

See this example live in JSBin.

  • ✅ One important thing to note here is that the toExponential() number method returns the value as a string type and not as a number type.

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