How to convert a number to a specific currency format in JavaScript?

December 15, 2020 - 2 min read

To convert a number to a specific currency format, we can use the NumberFormat constructor function in the global Intl object (Internationalization API).

/* Convert Number to a Currency */
const num = 12000;
const numberToCurrency = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-IN", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "INR",
const currency = numberToCurrency.format(num);

Let's say you have the number 12000,

// a number
const num = 12000;

Now let's convert this number into Indian currency format using the Intl.NumberFormat() constructor function.

First, we have to create a currency converter like this,

// a number
const num = 12000;

// Create a new numberToCurrency Converter
const numberToCurrency = new Intl.NumberFormat();

The constructor function needs two optional arguments to convert the number into a formatted currency string.

  • The first argument is the locale of the currency. In our case, it is en-IN for the Indian currency. For other currencies, you can check out this Stack overflow question.

  • The second argument is an object representing the styles that need to be applied. For our use case, the object should have a key called style set to currency, and another key called currency set to an ISO 4217 currency code. For our case since we need the currency to be in Indian format, the code is INR.

So the object looks like this,

{style: 'currency', currency: 'INR'}

It can be done like this,

// a number
const num = 12000;

// Create a new numberToCurrency Converter
// Argument 1: Set the locale to en-IN
// Argument 2: Object representing styles to be applied
const numberToCurrency = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-IN", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "INR",

Now we need to invoke the format() method in the numberToCurrency converter and pass the number as an argument to the method like this,

// a number
const num = 12000;

// Create a new numberToCurrency Converter
// Argument 1: Set the locale to en_IN
// Argument 2: Object representing styles to be applied
const numberToCurrency = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-IN", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "INR",

// Use the format() method on the converter
// and pass the number as argument
const currency = numberToCurrency.format(num);

console.log(currency); // ₹12,000.00

That's all there is to it to convert a number to a currency format 😃.

See this example live in JSBin.

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