How to convert an int type value to a string type value in Go or Golang?

August 16, 2022 - 1 min read

To convert an int type value to a string type value, you can use the Sprint() method from the fmt standard package in Go or Golang.

The Sprint() method accepts a value of any type and returns the corresponding string type version of the value.

For example, let's say we need to convert an int type value of 9000 to its string type value. To do that we can use the Sprint() method like this,

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // an `int` type value
    intNum := 9000

    // convert the `intNum` value to a `string` type value
    // using the `Sprint()` method from the `fmt` package
    strNum := fmt.Sprint(intNum)

    // log to console
    fmt.Println(strNum) // "9000"

As you can see from the above code that the int type is successfully converted to its corresponding string type. Yay 🥳.

See the above code live in The Go Playground.

That's all 😃!

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