How to check if two DOM nodes are equal in JavaScript?

August 23, 2020 - 1 min read

To check if 2 DOM nodes are equal in JavaScript, you can use the isEqualNode() node method.

Suppose you have 2 HTML elements like this,

<div class="heading">
  Hello World
<div class="heading">
  Hello World

Now, let's use the isEqualNode() method to check if they are equal or not.

// get all div tags
const allDivtags = document.querySelectorAll("div");

// get first and second div tag
const firstDivTag = allDivtags[0];
const secondDivTag = allDivtags[1];

// check if both DOM nodes are equal
const isEqual = firstDivTag.isEqualNode(secondDivTag);

console.log(isEqual); // true
  • The isEqualNode() method accepts a valid DOM node reference as an argument.
  • The method returns false for those DOM nodes whose attributes, id, or any other relevant properties are different.

for example,

Consider this HTML, where the 2 div tags are different.

<div class="heading" id="myFavDivTag">
  Hello World
<div class="heading">
  Hello World

Now if you check the equality it will return false.

// check if both DOM nodes are equal
const isEqual = firstDivTag.isEqualNode(secondDivTag);

console.log(isEqual); // false

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