How to add and remove elements from DOM in JavaScript?

June 30, 2020 - 3 min read


Adding elements

Let's say you have a heading and a paragraph.

<div id="section">
  <h1>My Big Header</h1>
  <p>Its a paragraph</p>

Let's add an extra paragraph inside the div tag.

First, You have to get a reference to the div tag you want to add the paragraph tag.

We have an id attribute associated with the div tag so we can use the document.getElementById() method to get the reference.

// get reference to the div tag.
const div = document.getElementById("section");

Now we need to make a paragraph tag and insert some text into it. We can insert text to paragraph by assigning the text value to the textContent property in the paragraph.

// get reference to the div tag.
const div = document.getElementById("section");

// make a new paragraph tag.
const paragraph = document.createElement("p");
// add some text inside paragraph tag
paragraph.textContent = "This is another paragraph";

Ok. Now finally we need to add this paragraph inside the div tag. We can achieve this using the appendChild() method available in div and pass the newly created paragraph reference to the method as an argument.

// get reference to the div tag.
const div = document.getElementById("section");

// make a new paragraph tag.
const paragraph = document.createElement("p");
// add some text inside paragraph tag.
paragraph.textContent = "This is another paragraph";

// add paragrapgh inside div tag.

Yay 🥳!!!. We just added our new paragraph.

Removing elements

Now you know how to add but how do we delete the elements from DOM.

Removing an element is fairly easy, we can use the removeChild() method available in the div tag and pass the reference of our paragraph tag.

Or we could use the remove() method available in the paragraph element itself.

🎲 NOTE: The remove() method available in an element is not supported by all browsers and may not work. The recommended way of using is removeChild() available in the div tag i.e the parent element.

// get reference to the div tag.
const div = document.getElementById("section");

// make a new paragraph tag.
const paragraph = document.createElement("p");
// add some text inside paragraph tag.
paragraph.textContent = "This is another paragraph";

// add paragrapgh inside div tag.


// remove paragraph from div

// OR this
// but not supported in all the browsers

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